Improving access and reducing barriers for young people in BC

Project summary
The Foundry Virtual Care App was created to improve access and reduce barriers for young people in BC to receive health social services care virtually. All the services available at a Foundry Centre in-person would be available online through the app.Solution
We developed a modern virtual health clinic app that takes a user-centric design and agile development approach, enabling young people between the age of 12 to 24 living across BC to access health and social services virtually.
The Foundry BC application has connected thousands of youth with essential mental health resources and has foundationally changed how youth access health services in the Province of BC.
EY Design Studio team

Private and secureWe identified, evaluated and managed privacy risks as well as assessed and reported security risks during planning, development, and implementation to make well informed risk-based decisions.
- 32K+ App Store downloads
- 21K+ registrations with 3x growth in unique registrations
- 3K+ appointments completed showing 3.5x growth
Technology used