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Shifting experiences to manage anxiety

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Case study logo.EY teams built the MindShift BC app for Anxiety Canada to help people of all ages around the world manage and decrease anxiety.​ Service Design | Web & App Development | UI/UX | IA
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Project summary
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MindShift BC's anxiety management app was rich with information. But a bumpy user experience made that insight hard to access and harder still to apply in daily practice. Anxiety Canada also wanted to incorporate cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) techniques into the app development as an additional therapeutic tool for users — but the existing experience wasn't optimal for that kind of add-on.​
EY teams kickstarted this mobile app redesign using a waterfall approach. Once completed, we dove into agile software development to complete the final stages of the project. 
"The new version of the app drew 40,000 active users within the first two weeks of launch. It’s received positive feedback from users, who have recommended it further based on its functionality. EY Design Studio offers effective communication, and they work with their clients’ goals in mind."​
Judith Law
Anxiety Canada’s Executive Director
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Active users40K+ active daily app users in Canada and around the world
Nine newly added featuresNow helping users manage anxiety
Making wavesApp listed among Top 10 Favourite Apps in Mental Health in 2021
Downloads500k+ on iOS and Android
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